
server now sort-of running...

but without the RAID card - it appears to have died on me, which is a real pain. In the mean time I have 6 ports on the board, so I'll be using those.

I've hung three of the drives รก la "Silentpcreview" in 5.25" slots with elastic. I am astounded by how much quieter they are.

Let's leave it at "those disks are the only ones in the server for the time being" and it's still louder than I'd like, though significantly more tolerable than it was.

Next up is to get some more memory and maybe a new case. Partitioning is causing a headache, too, as I could create a nice fast draft partition.... but since I've tended to work without too many backups, that would be a nightmare. So maybe slightly slower IO performance will still be acceptable. I'll have to test.

That's really the next set of steps: get the machine so far that I can put it where it's supposed to be going and let it run for a while.

- Bret

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