
Dell "Waves" audio

Hello Dell,

thank you for installing the "Waves" software on my machine. I'm assuming it came with something else because there's no other way I'd have installed it.

It destroyed any and all of my USB audio capability, because that, along with the Realtek HD Audio CPU Cycle user - oh, sorry, the useless Audio detector - appears to have been fighting for control of the USB audio. And so *none* of my USB Audio cards were working any more.

If the inbuilt audio was even remotely OK, then I wouldn't be anywhere near as bothered. But it's complete pants, and therefore I got very, very annoyed.

Now removed and things are back - after yet another reinstall of the Terratec drivers - to where they should be.

  - Bret

Samsung A5 "easy mode"

.. in the mean time I also have a Samsung A5, 2016 version. If you're missing the camera - it only has "auto" and "panoramic", try turning easy mode off in the phone's settings. Especially if you've installed another launcher, this may well be on and you may not have noticed.

 - Bret

been a while...

so it's been a while since I last posted. But there's lots of stuff I really ought to be posting.

Starting with more robocopy stuff: Windows 10 brought with it the /j switch and space support.

So it's now /mir /mt:12 /r:0 /w:0 /j for seriously fast copying. 18g in 01:33 is acceptable :)

 - Bret